Curriculum » STAAR CONNECTION™ Developmental Series™
STAAR CONNECTION™ Developmental Series™ Gr 1 Science v2 – created for streamlined TEKS – (student edition)
Rich, Rigorous Assessments created for the streamlined TEKS. Student editions are to be used with STAAR CONNECTION™ Developmental Series™ Gr 1 Science teacher edition. Student editions cannot be reproduced. (minimum order of 20)
KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc.
Developmental Series™
Grade 1 Science
Assessments, games, and activities to develop, reinforce, and enrich TEKS for individual students, partners, small groups, teams, and entire classes
► Teacher editions - Approximately 360 pages of rich, meaningful content
► Student editions - Approximately 105 pages of engaging activities and assessments
► 32 formative assessments and activities based on STREAMLINED TEKS
► Created for individual students, partners, small groups, teams, and entire classes
► Each assessment covers a specific TEKS in isolation
► Each game, activity, or investigation reinforces or enriches a specific TEKS
► Validated by scientifically based research
► Created with rich, meaningful content
► Develops and extends knowledge of standards
► Contains engaging, customized instruction
► Adjusts to meet various levels of cognitive demand
► Filled with enrichment activities to extend skill mastery and expand critical-thinking skills
► Facilitates peer interaction and communication.
► Decreases student behavior problems
► Supports differentiated instruction
► This student edition is to be used with STAAR CONNECTION™ Developmental Series™ Gr 1 Science teacher edition