Rock with the bears as your child plays I Like Change! Players learn to not only identify coins but also read and write their values. The 4 game boards and 90 cards provide lots of reinforcement!
Parent/Child Home Learning Kits
Parents and children will have a blast with the varied educational supplies included in each grade-level kit! Children will master the Texas state-mandated skills (TEKS) in math, reading, writing, science, and other content areas while playing games, doing activities, and having fun. Kits contain colorful, engaging board games for your home-schooled student to play with you or other members of the family. They also contain our industry-leading books to keep your child on track to finish the year at or above grade level.
All our materials are created by highly trained curriculum experts with decades of experience in education. Our products are proven to increase student performance and have been used for years by home educators. The best part is that you will receive an introductory kit for only $99. Don't waste any time. . . . Order today!
Los padres y los niños se divertirán mucho con los variados materiales educativos incluidos en cada kit de nivel de grado. Los niños dominarán las habilidades exigidas por el estado de Texas (TEKS) en matemáticas, lectura, escritura, ciencias y otras áreas de contenido mientras juegan, realizan actividades y se divierten. Los kits contienen juegos de mesa coloridos y atractivos para que el estudiante educado en casa juegue con usted u otros miembros de la familia. También incluyen nuestros destacados libros en la industria de la educación para mantener a su hijo encaminado a terminar el año al nivel de su grado escolar o a un nivel superior.
Todos nuestros materiales son creados por expertos altamente capacitados en planes de estudio con décadas de experiencia en la enseñanza. Se ha demostrado que nuestros productos aumentan el rendimiento de los estudiantes y han sido utilizados durante años por educadores que enseñan en el hogar. La mejor parte es que usted recibirá un kit de introducción por solo $99. No pierda tiempo . . . . ¡Haga su pedido hoy mismo!
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Shape Shifter presented by Charlie!
Shape Shifter is ready to play! Watch him shift and change his shape! What shape will he be today? Your child will enjoy learning about circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares as (s)he moves about the shape-shifting game board, matching the 72 cards to shapes on the board.

Grandma's Counting Farm presented by Violet and Charlie! - Part 1
Cock-a-doodle with the rooster, woof-woof with the dogs, and sing along with the other animals while playing Grandma's Counting Farm. The 7-foot-long board game and over 60 cards provide a fun way to identify, read, and write numbers from 0 to 20.