Game Gallery® - Grade 3 Game Pack

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One each of the third-grade TEKS-based board games.  Click below for game titles, content areas, and corresponding skills.

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Third-Grade Game Pack includes the following math, reading, writing, and science TEKS-based board games:

Math Board Games

About Bingo - round whole numbers to estimate solutions to problems

Alien Feast of Adding - solve with fluency problems involving addition

All in the Family - identify related multiplication and division number sentences

Can You Believe It? - round whole numbers

Class Act - use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution

Count Crackula - represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches

Estimation Vacation - round whole numbers to a given place value

Extend a Pair - represent real-word relationships using number pairs in a table

Find Freddy's Fractions - compare two fractions using symbols, words, objects, and pictorial models

Fraction Action - represent equivalent fractions

Fractional Concentration - represent fractions using pictorial models

Get to Know Your National Parks - compose and decompose numbers

Give It a Second Chance - select tools and techniques to solve problems

Good Times - solve multiplication problems

Goofy Fractions - explain that a fraction represents the quantity formed by one part of a whole that has been partitioned into equal parts

I Guess I'll Go Golfing - use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, and evaluating the problem-s0olving process and the reasonableness of the solution

It's Time to Catch a Fish - apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life

Market Math - apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life

Order Up! - compare and order whole numbers

Pattern Playground - use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution

Piggy Bank - determine the value of a collection of coins and bills

Rodeo Roundup! - round whole numbers and estimate solutions to problems

Simon Says - use a problem solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution

Step in Line - create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas

Super Sentence - create and solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems

Table-A-Mia Make-A-Pizza - represent real-world relationships using number pairs in a table

Table Twister - use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution

Time Trials - determine the solutions to problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes

To Estimation and Beyond - round whole numbers and estimate solutions to problems

U Can Solve Anything - apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life

Video Rewind - use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution

You Can Make a Difference! - solve with fluency one-step and two-step subtraction problems

Reading Board Games

Caught in Context Canyon - context clues

Context Colloquium - context clues

Dino-mite Main Ideas - main ideas and details

Feline Facts and Opinions - fact and opinion

Football Frenzy - context clues

Lost in the Library - features of genres

Puzzling Words - prefixes and suffixes

Write It Down, Rita - forms of text

Writing Board Games

A Capital Idea - capitalization

Cooking Up Sentences - grammar and usage

Punctuation Island - punctuation

Sentence Search - sentence construction

Science Board Games

Pattern Principle - explore patterns, systems, and cycles within environments